Dustin Moyer Hits the Ground Running in Omaha
When Dustin Moyer first spotted a Castle logo on a construction trailer near his home in Omaha, curiosity convinced him to do some online research and learn more about the company.

When Dustin Moyer first spotted a Castle logo on a construction trailer near his home in Omaha, curiosity convinced him to do some online research and learn more about the company.
A few keystrokes later, he discovered Castle was seeking a local project manager…so he threw his hat into the ring and ended up signing on with the firm a few months later.
“I knew nothing about Castle, but I saw a definite opportunity to be part of the decision making within the Omaha market and jumped on it,” says Moyer, who had been working for a local general contractor. “I felt like Castle wanted my input and my experience as much as I wanted to work for them. It just felt right.”
Since joining Castle as project manager in 2019, Moyer’s primary project focus has been a Facebook data center under construction in the suburb of Papillion. “We're primarily excavating electrical duct banks and providing support to the electricians,” he says.
Moyer has the benefit of working alongside Superintendent Mark Martin, one of Castle’s longest-tenured employees, who’s also working in Omaha. “Everyone talks about doing things ‘the Castle way,’ and I get the benefit of having a Castle veteran here to see that in action,” he says.
And other Castle team members are just a phone call away. “I have half a dozen people in St. Louis I can call, and they’re always available to help me,” he says.
Born and raised in Omaha, Moyer grew up surrounded by construction. “My dad's side of the family is a bunch of carpenters, and I was involved in home projects with them since I was old enough to hold a hammer,” he says. “In the summers, I hung out with my grandfather and we’d install doors or put siding on a house.”
After earning a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Moyer secured his first job with an Omaha general contractor.
“In college, they train and push you to work for a general contractor, so I thought that was my destiny. But I spent enough time working in the commercial contracting world to know that I wasn't going to be happy working there the rest of my life,” he says.
Instead, Moyer was drawn to civil contracting. “There’s always something new to plan or figure out to keep the field staff moving or do something better or faster,” he says. “And I like the ongoing interaction with the field staff, which is what it's all about in the self-perform civil world.”
He also enjoys the physical aspects of the job. “I love big machines, moving massive amounts of dirt, putting pipe in deep excavations and just the magnitude of the work itself,” he says.
And Moyer is convinced Castle’s future in Omaha is bright. “There are buildings going up everywhere, and it seems like on every corner, they're developing more land for homes. But we want our growth here to be slow and steady. We expect it to come naturally from our performance and service.”